AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional – notes 2
3 minute read
AWS Systems Manager (SSM)
AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager
- ensure that the EC2 instance reboots do not occur at the same time:
- uses two Patch Groups
- Associate the predefined AWS-DefaultPatchBaseline baseline on both patch groups
- non-overlapping maintenance windows
- ensure non-prod and prod aren’t patched at the same time:
- Tag each instance based on its environment and OS.
- Create a patch baseline for each environment.
- Categorize EC2 instances based on their tags using Patch Groups and apply the patches specified in the corresponding patch baseline to each Patch Group.
- efficient way to collect and analyze logs from instances:
- Set up and configure a unified CloudWatch Logs agent in each On-Demand EC2 instance
- which will automatically collect and push data to CloudWatch Logs.
- Analyze the log data with CloudWatch Logs Insights.
- More efficient than SSM agent for instance monitoring
- logging solution that will track all of the activities of all AWS resources
- will only cover the activities of the regional services (EC2, S3, RDS etc.)
- For global services such as IAM, CloudFront, AWS WAF, and Route 53, enable:
- –is-multi-region-trail
- –include-global-service-events
- You can use an AWS SCT agent to extract data from your on-premises data warehouse to S3 or AWS Snowball Edge device and migrate it to Amazon Redshift. “aws-schema-conversion-tool-extractor-x”.
AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS)
- Configure a local & DMS Task using the the AWS DMS agent to replicate the ongoing updates to the data warehouse. “aws-schema-conversion-tool-dms-agent-X”.
- The local subtask – This task migrates data from the source database to the Snowball Edge appliance.
- The AWS DMS subtask – This task moves the data from the appliance into an Amazon S3 bucket and migrates it to the target database.
- Create a CloudFront distribution with Geo-Restriction enabled to block blacklisted countries.
- Use HTTPS and field-level encryption to enforce secure end-to-end connections to origin servers
- Use Cache-Control max-age & max-age to increase increase cache hit ratio.
- improve the performance of the application login:
- Use Lambda@Edge to allow your Lambda functions to customize content that CloudFront delivers and to execute the authentication process in AWS locations closer to the users.
- Set up an origin failover and make CloudFront automatically switches to when the primary origin returns specific HTTP status code failure responses
- Allow internal DNS resolution between peered VPS
- private hosted zone
- Set enableDnsHostNames & enableDnsSupport to “true”.
Elastic IP address
IAM Role
- Roles are applied to users who are generally not a part of your AWS account
- Use roles to delegate access to users, applications, and services that do not have access to your AWS resources
IAM Policy
- Policies are applied to users and groups that belong to a particular AWS account
Elastic Beanstalk
- You can’t deploy an application to your on-premises servers using Elastic Beanstalk
- To prevent ressources from being deleted:
- DeletionPolicy snapshot for RDS.( With the retain option, CloudFormation will keep the RDS instance running.)
- DeletionPolicy retain for S3
AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)
- The AWS Serverless Application Repository is a managed repository for serverless applications.
HTTP Error
- 2xx success
- 3xx redirection
- 4xx client errors
- 403 Forbidden
- 404 Not Found
- 5xx server errors
- 504: The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.
- CloudHSM can perform the SSL transactions for LBs (ensure that the key cannot be accidentally or intentionally moved outside the corporate environment)
AWS Certificate Manager
- In each new AWS Region, request for SSL/TLS certificates using the AWS Certificate Manager for each FQDN. Associate the new certificates to the corresponding Application Load Balancer of the same AWS Region.
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